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CYA softball season starts in April and will go through June. Children ages 7 through 12 are eligible to play. 
The placement of your child in a particular team is generally by age, but will ultimately be determined by the coaches and will be based on providing your child with a level of play that will enhance their athletic ability and provide them with a safe playing environment.

CYA provides uniforms to all players. Athletes should bring glove, cleats (only necessary for Minors and Majors), and water bottle to all practices and games. Bats and helmets are available for players.

Your child will be expected to participate in practices. Repeated, unexcused absences may mean your child sits during the next game. You should make every effort to inform the coach before a missed practice.

Practices are held at Carpenter Park. Home games will be played at Carpenter Park and will travel to surrounding towns for away games.

Rookies – ages 7 and 8 (age as of December 31st of previous year)
practice and game twice a week – coach pitched

Minors – ages 9 and 10 (age as of December 31st of previous year)
practice and games three times a week – player pitched 

Majors – ages 11 and 12 (age as of December 31st of previous year)
practice and games three times a week – player pitched

Softball Commissioner - Maryellen Fish- [email protected]

Chichester Youth Association

P.O. Box 394 Epsom NH 03234 
Email : [email protected]
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